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Shiloh Biblical Place Name With Messianic Significance

Shiloh: Biblical Place Name with Messianic Significance

Etymology and Meaning:

The word "Shiloh" (שילה) in Hebrew means "tranquil" or "peaceful." It is derived from the root word "shal," which signifies rest or quietness.

Place Name:

In the Bible, Shiloh refers to an ancient city in the territory of Ephraim (Joshua 18:1). It was located in the central hill country of Israel and served as a major religious center during the period of the judges.

Historical Significance:

Shiloh became a significant location in biblical history after the Israelites conquered the Promised Land. It was chosen as the place to set up the Tabernacle, the portable sanctuary where God's presence dwelled (Joshua 18:1). For centuries, Shiloh remained the central worship site for the Israelites.

Messianic Title:

In addition to its geographical significance, Shiloh is also used as a messianic title in the Bible. In Genesis 49:10, Jacob prophesied the coming of a ruler from the tribe of Judah who would bring peace and prosperity. This ruler was referred to as "Shiloh," implying that he would establish the long-awaited era of tranquility.


The name Shiloh resonates through biblical history, carrying both geographical and messianic significance. It represents a place of peace and worship and symbolizes the hope for a future ruler who would bring tranquility to the nation of Israel. The lasting impression of Shiloh is one of a place where God's presence was manifested and where the promise of a peaceful future was proclaimed.
