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News Uk Brexit

Post-Brexit Trade Chaos: Irish Imports, UK-Canada Talks, EU Criticisms, and Business Woes

Irish Trade Hit By Post-Brexit Rules

Irish businesses are grappling with new rules for trade with Great Britain (GB) following the UK's exit from the European Union (EU). Since January 1, 2021, Irish exports to GB face customs declarations, tariffs, and increased bureaucracy, leading to delays and additional costs.

UK-Canada Trade Talks Stalled

Trade negotiations between the UK and Canada have been paused over concerns about beef exports. The UK is seeking to lower tariffs on beef imports into Canada, while Canada insists on maintaining its current agricultural protections. The impasse has raised doubts about the prospects for a trade deal between the two countries.

Macron Blasts Rwanda-Style Asylum Schemes

French President Emmanuel Macron has criticized the UK's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda, calling it "inhumane." The UK government has agreed to pay Rwanda £120 million to process asylum claims. Critics argue that the scheme will be costly, ineffective, and will undermine the UK's commitment to human rights.

Businesses Burdened By Post-Brexit Border Fees

Small businesses in the UK are facing "punitive" charges due to new border fees imposed as a result of Brexit. Importers and exporters must now pay fees for customs declarations, sanitary and phytosanitary checks, and other formalities. Industry groups have warned that these costs could threaten the viability of small businesses.
